
True empowerment in an individual is made possible because of quality education and instillation of positive values. By equipping individuals with resources, critical thinking skills and knowledge, we enable them to gain the confidence to overcome challenges and contribute meaningfully to society.


·To Foster creativity and entrepreneurial skills to inspire young people to create their own opportunities.


Asli Artistry: Creative Arts/Customized Gifts


Chiak: Heritage Homecooked Meals


Asli Honey: Authentic pure honey

Asli Farm

Career & Workplace Development

To Equip: Career Planning, Effective Work, Communication at Work, Conflict Management, Workplace EQ, Managing Finances at Work, Decision Making at Work and Work-Life Harmony.

woman placing sticky notes on wall
hands formed together with red heart paint

Community Service Projects/CSR

Organize volunteer opportunities that allow young people to address local needs and develop a sense of responsibility directly.

Advocacy and Policy Work

Empower young people to advocate for issues that matter to them and participate in decision-making.

Handwrting Letters on Blue Sticky Notes